Pain, beurre et chocolat, by Alain Serres and Suzy Vergez
It’s the middle of summer and Margaux thinks she’s alone in her city, but through her snack of bread, butter and chocolate, she discovers that lots of people have in fact been ...
Bread, Butter and Chocolate

La petite soeur est un diplodocus, by Aurore Petit
The encounter between a big brother and his young sister is often, if not always, a whole new story A story about a tyrannosaurus and a story about a diplodocus, but above all, a love ...
Little Sister Is a Diplodocus

Les vacances de Momoko, by Kotimi - the second volume of the series A Japanese Childhood
Momoko is back ! After the first volume which introduced us to the little girl and her little sister Minako, here are Momoko's adventures and emotions during ...
Momoko’s Holidays – A Japanese Childhood

Si tous les livres du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
If all the drops of water joined hands then the palm trees, children and hummingbirds would never be thirsty again if all the houses joined doormats, if all ...
If All the World’s Books…