L'image à venir, mémoires d'un collectionneur, by Pierre Apraxine with Jean Poderos
Pierre Apraxine was a visionary, a trailblazer who was among the first col- lectors to dedicate his life to unearthing long-forgotten masterpieces of ...
The Coming Image, A Collector’s Memoir

Blue et les grands jours maudits, by Nancy Guilbert
At once an adventure tale, dystopian fiction and alternate history, Blue and the Days of Damnation follows Blue and her brother-in-arms Zian in their struggles to prevent oppressive ...
Blue And The Days Of Damnation

Crocodingue et les mystères de Paris - À la Tour Eiffel, by Anna Bellamy-Lemarchant, illustrated by Marjolaine Leray
The first volume of the series, Crazy Croc and the Mysteries of Paris is a wacky, laugh-out-loud tale recounting the adventures ...
Crazy Croc and the Mysteries of Paris

Ton cœur bat au rythme de la terre, by Claire Cantais
A young girl on a train is overtaken by boredom when her iPad runs out of batteries, and she falls asleep In her dream, a woman with blue skin and fiery hair leads her on an exploration of ...
Your Heart Beats to the Pulse of the Earth

Charlie le hérisson, ministre des inondations, by Callie, illustrated by Anna Griot
When his island is flooded by torrential rain, Charlie the Hedgehog finds himself named minister of floods Peopled with the most unexpected of characters, ...
Charlie the Hedgehog, Minister of Floods

Zooscope des animaux disparus mais pas tous !, by Marie Donzelli and illustrated by Marie Gastaut
The second volume of Animascope offers an extraordinary exploration of the animal world, this time with a focus on species extinct, ...
Animascope of Extinct Creatures… and More!

Le voyage de Charlie le hérisson, by Callie, illustrated by Anna Griot
The Journey of Charlie the Hedgehog is a clever, fast-paced tale featuring a most unlikely yet utterly loveable hero Charlie the hedgehog is a stickler for good behaviour who ...
The Journey of Charlie the Hedgehog

Les orphelins de Prolis, by Tristan Deluzarches
Book two: Wanderings in the Jungle of Taïvas
The second volume of the Orphans of Prolis saga is as jam-packed with breathtaking battle scenes and exhilarating adventures as the first When ...
The Orphans of Prolis II – Wanderings in the Jungle of Taïvas

L'arbre qui rêvait d'être un avion, by Antoine Vigne, illustrated by Léa Louis
A tree in the middle of the forest is so fascinated by the sparkling, glittering plane it sees crossing the skies every day that the desire to do likewise is almost ...
The Tree that Wanted to Become an Airplane