Si tu regardes longtemps la terre, by Jean-Pierre Siméon and Laurent Corvaisier
Here are 50 simple thoughts that have come to Jean-Pierre Siméon while he was out walking: “Silence is sad No one listens to it anymore” “Call your fear ...
If You Look Closely at the World

Et Léonard de Vinci réinvente la peinture, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Why is a book, an exhibition or the discovery of a new drawing by Leonardo da Vinci still an event, five centuries after his death Because Leonard was an extraordinary ...
And Leonardo da Vinci Reinvents Painting

Babak, le jour où ton cheval est né, by Alain Serres and Vanessa Hié
The illustrations in this volume show each stage of a single painting that grows more complex with every page As readers follow the “birth” of this work, they’re also ...
Babak, the Day your Horse was Born