Petits enfants, grands lecteurs, by Joëlle Turin and Nathalie Virnot
Today, everybody knows that very young children love stories, no matter if they’re real or made up They love to read stories and to listen to them When too young to read ...
Young Children, Great Readers

J'ai le droit d'aimer les livres (et le chocolat!), by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
The series continues after the right to be a child, the right to culture and the right to save the planet
Here is a lively and joyful ...
I Have the Right to Love Books (and Chocolate!)

L'enfant, le libraire et le roi, by Thierry Maricourt and François Place
In the hope that the long freeze of the pandemic is over, this short and beautifully crafted text arrives on the children’s shelves as a literary homage to the ...
The Child, the Bookseller and the King

Les fabuleux farfelus vont au travail, by Sandra Poirot Cherif
By aligning three sections at random, readers can create 19,683 characters and as many phrases, also at random Readers will have endless fun imagining what the wacky ...
The Wacky Weirdos Are Off To Work

Comment apprendre à ses parents à aimer les livres pour enfants, by Alain Serres, ill Bruno Heitz
More whimsical "blurb" than straightforward debate, this little book will provoke an exchange of ideas about books and reading while making a ...
How to Teach Your Parents To Love Children’s Books