Le livre qui parlait toutes les langues, by Alain Serres and Fred Sochard, music by Nicolas Allemand
A young boy outwits a Big Bad Wolf with the help of a magic book that has sights and sounds from all over the world The story never ends because ...
The Book that Spoke Every Language

Le loup et la petite fille, by Yves Jaffrennou and illustrated by Evelyne Mary
When you’re a little girl, befriending a wolf is no ordinary thing But it’s such fun to play lot's of wolf games! One day, the little girl wants to ...
The Wolf and the Little Girl

Le Petit Chaperon rouge, la scène de la chemise de nuit, by Jean-Luc Buquet
We all know the story Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf in the woods He shows her the longest way to go to Grand-Ma’s, takes the shortest way, imitates Little Red ...
Little Red Riding Hood – the scene of the nightgown