Dolorès Wilson, cinq aventures d'une super-héroïne, by Mathis, illustrated by Aurore Petit
Dolores Wilson, superheroine and a professional temp worker, has a new job every day Eddy, her boss at GETOWORK, even nicknamed her “the temporary ...
Dolores Wilson, Five Adventures of a Superheroine

Mythes Fondateurs, d'Hercule à Dark Vador, by Dominique de Font-Réaulx
A book to discover the new Louvre section designed for children and families It shows us how the world was created, and takes us to enchanted worlds where we meet ...
Founding Myths, From Hercules to Dark Vador

Tous les géants ont un jour été des enfants, by Annabelle Gugnon
Confucius, Marco Polo, Sigmund Freud, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney, Marie Curie It is hard to believe that the fate of those giants of ...
All the Giants Were Once a Child