Le Guide Nature à la mer, by various authors, series editor Alessandro Staehli
Are you keen to discover the huge biodiversity of Europe’s coasts, with their legendary birdsand mammals, fascinating fish and outstanding floral life This new ...
Nature Pocket Guide: The Seaside

Une sirène tombée du ciel, by Raphaële Frier and illustrated by Sandra Poirot-Chérif
Pierre, a fisherman and dreamer, sees a siren fall from the sky Once, then twice – and each time an explosion sounds as the figure falls The fisherman ...
The Siren Who Fell from the Sky

Petit pêcheur, grand appétit, by Suzy Vergez
A little fisherman living on an island used to catch one fish for the whole family to share but as time passed his appetite got bigger So he made larger and larger nets to bring in a bigger ...
Little Fisherman, Big Appetite

Tu seras les yeux de la mer, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Zaü
Colour photos, ink drawings and short texts A visually stunning book that examines the state of our rivers and oceans A book to make you stop and think about the big ...
You Will Be The Eyes Of The Sea

La Chose du MéHéHéHé, by Sigrid Baffert and ill Jeanne Macaigne
On the surface of the sea’s blue belly, things are serious A Thing, with red and white stripes, hard as a giant shell and yet soft like seaweed, is floating ...
The Thing From MéHéHéHé

Le gravillon de pavillon qui voulait voir la mer, by Claire Schvartz
Dany is a piece of gravel, but watch out, not any kind of gravel, a bungalow gravel! All day long, he is trampled by feet, wheels or worse garbage bins Until one day, a cute sea ...
The Bungalow’s Gravel Who Dreamt About The Sea