Va-t-en, vilain cauchemar!, by Marjorie Béal
An ugly nightmare is coming in the dark night It looks like a storm cloud and it is not nice at all How to get rid of it Turning on the light Reading your favourite book Ask your plush dinosaur for ...
Go Away, You Ugly Nightmare!

Il était une fois la nuit, by Carole Reboul
An illustrated book on the topical issue of the preservation of the starry sky and the battle against light pollution, illustrated by magnificent photos accompanied by informative, ...
Once Upon a Time There Was Night

Et le Soir quand la nuit tombe, by Anne Crausaz
Anne Crausaz has created two small board books that alternate, follow on, or can be read in isolation To In the evening as night falls retorts In the morning as the sun rises Throughout the 16 ...
In the Evening As Night Falls

Et si les parents lapins dormaient avec leurs enfants By Malika Doray
So, how do we go about explaining that rabbit parents and rabbit children sleep in their own separate beds By telling them off Ok then, just for tonight And what about ...
If the Rabbit Parents Were Sleeping with their Children…