Observe et colorie avec Isabelle Simler
The titles in the “Discover the World As You Colour with Isabelle Simler” series are leporello colouring books with detailed, delicate renderings of creatures and plants in their natural environments ...
Discover the World As You Colour with Isabelle Simler

Cherche et trouve de la Petite Salamandre, collective work
A seek-and-find book to help children discover the various natural environments around us and the funny animals, big and small, that are hidden there
These 32 ...
La Petite Salamandre’s Search and Find

13824 jeux de couleurs, de formes et de mots, by Patrick Raynaud
13,824 games with colours, shapes and words are contained in this hodgepodge On the left-hand pages, we find suggestions for poems in the form of calligrams On the ...
13,824 Games With Colours, Shapes and Words

Les fabuleux farfelus vont au travail, by Sandra Poirot Cherif
By aligning three sections at random, readers can create 19,683 characters and as many phrases, also at random Readers will have endless fun imagining what the wacky ...
The Wacky Weirdos Are Off To Work

Les Herbiers, by By Laurent Audouin, Yannick Fourié, Delphine Boudou, Audrey Caron and Lionel Hignard
Find out about the plants your favourite characters gathered on their adventures
Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack, Tom ...
Fairytale Plant Collections