Les idées sont de drôles de bestioles, by Isabelle Simler
What’s in an idea Where do ideas come from, what do they do, and where do they go Isabelle Simler uses her poetic vision and airy, delicate strokes to bring the creative process to ...
Ideas Are The Weirdest Creatures

Tous dehors! En ville, by Patrick and Manon Luneau
This book is an invitation to investigate the neighbourhood, explore under bridges, find wolf spiders, eat your own landart, smell the park – there’s no end to the different activities ...
Everyone Out! In Towns And Cities

Agir pour la nature au jardin, by David Melbeck (text) and Sylvain Leparoux (illustrations)
This practical book presents more than 50 exciting projects to encourage readers to learn about and protect wild plants and animals in the garden
At a ...
Protect The Environment: In The Garden

Qui cache qui Bestiaire farceur, by Didier Lévy and Elis Wilk
Here is an offbeat bestiary, full of humour and fantasy, which shows us not the animal described but another, often related to it Thus the cheetah in the text sulks to pose in front ...
Who Is Hiding Who? A Mischievious Bestiary

Histoires Natures de La Petite Salamandre, by Pascale Hédelin and various illustrators
Fifteen tales introducing the denizens of the garden, the mountains, the forest and the countryside, in all seasons !
A beaver wrongly accused, a snail ...
La Petite Salamandre Nature Stories