Les idées sont de drôles de bestioles, by Isabelle Simler
What’s in an idea Where do ideas come from, what do they do, and where do they go Isabelle Simler uses her poetic vision and airy, delicate strokes to bring the creative process to ...
Ideas Are The Weirdest Creatures

La fourmi, l'oiseau et le vaste monde, by Niels Thorez and illustrated by Valérie Michel
This is the hilarious, timeless tale of a pompous, loudmouth ant and its encounter with a wise, worldly bird The book’s theatrical tone, biting ...
The Ant, the Bird and the Wide, Wide World

Les étoiles qui meurent dans le ciel, by Benjamin Lesage
Jack is passionate about the stars As a child, he saw one disappear from the night skies and understood that, like everything in the universe, stars age with the passing of time ...
The Stars Are Dying In The Sky