La petite épicerie de Marcel et Joachim, by Ingela P Arrhenius
A first non-fiction series for toddlers to learn and play shop!
Three-dimensional little books to handle, with thick foamy pages They are shaped like objects, between books and ...
Marcel et Joachim’s Grocery Shop

Rouge-queue, quatre histoires d'oiseaux, by Anne Crausaz
Explore in four chapters and four seasons, the vibrating lifetime of four different species of birds: redstarts, nightingales, robins and rock ptarmigans Follow them through the ...
Redstart, Four Bird Stories

Mille dessins dans un encrier, by Alain Serres and Zaü
Three children are fascinated by the artist working in their apartment building He takes them to the best school of all: the streets of Paris! Under the aerial metro he teaches them ...
A Thousand Drawings In A Inkwell

Mon kit passion, les Chevaux, illustrations and photographs by Audrey Gessat
A kit for passionate who enjoy learning as much as playing An ingenious manufacturing that offers the advantages of a box while looking like a book, easy to store in ...
My Passion kit – Passion for horses