Dolorès Wilson, cinq aventures d'une super-héroïne, by Mathis, illustrated by Aurore Petit
Dolores Wilson, superheroine and a professional temp worker, has a new job every day Eddy, her boss at GETOWORK, even nicknamed her “the temporary ...
Dolores Wilson, Five Adventures of a Superheroine

Va-t-en, vilain cauchemar!, by Marjorie Béal
An ugly nightmare is coming in the dark night It looks like a storm cloud and it is not nice at all How to get rid of it Turning on the light Reading your favourite book Ask your plush dinosaur for ...
Go Away, You Ugly Nightmare!

Poèmes cueillis dans la forêt de vos yeux, by Françoise Lison-Leroy, illustrated by Nathalie Novi
40 first names and as many short forms on what the poet has read in the eyes of children A bit of the hidden life of each one, a bit of their ...
Poems Gathered in the Forest of your Eyes

Elle tourne comme ça, by Martine Laffon, illustrated by Icinori
For how long has the Earth been turning around the Sun That’s easy! Since four giants have been pushing it across the sky…
On a grey moon night, four giants started a big ...
This is How the Earth Turns

Observe et colorie avec Isabelle Simler
The titles in the “Discover the World As You Colour with Isabelle Simler” series are leporello colouring books with detailed, delicate renderings of creatures and plants in their natural environments ...
Discover the World As You Colour with Isabelle Simler