Le voyage de Charlie le hérisson, by Callie, illustrated by Anna Griot
The Journey of Charlie the Hedgehog is a clever, fast-paced tale featuring a most unlikely yet utterly loveable hero Charlie the hedgehog is a stickler for good behaviour who ...
The Journey of Charlie the Hedgehog

Les orphelins de Prolis, by Tristan Deluzarches
Book two: Wanderings in the Jungle of Taïvas
The second volume of the Orphans of Prolis saga is as jam-packed with breathtaking battle scenes and exhilarating adventures as the first When ...
The Orphans of Prolis II – Wanderings in the Jungle of Taïvas

L'arbre qui rêvait d'être un avion, by Antoine Vigne, illustrated by Léa Louis
A tree in the middle of the forest is so fascinated by the sparkling, glittering plane it sees crossing the skies every day that the desire to do likewise is almost ...
The Tree that Wanted to Become an Airplane

Les amis de Momoko, by Kotimi - the third volume of the series A Japanese Childhood
And here are four new stories from Kotimi’s 1960s Tokyo childhood In this book, we learn about Hanami – celebrating the cherry blossom Showers of pink petals ...
Momoko’s Friends – A Japanese Childhood

L'imagier des sens, by Anne Crausaz
“L’Imagier des sens” approaches the four elements from the five senses The choice to work by hand allowed Anne Crausaz, who is used to digital images in her children’s books, to get closer to the ...
The Five Senses Picture Book

Jolies choses que j'aime dessiner pour les bébés, by Ingela P Arrhenius
Everything Ingela likes to draw in a lovely contrasted board book, designed for babies’ eyes and hands: only white, black and 1 extra bright orange Several spreads: ...
Lovely Things that I Love Drawing for Babies

Le premier qui dit je t'aime a perdu, by Elisabeth Brami and Marie Sellier
Told in the voices of Cécile and Aurélien, a pair of lonely teenagers who begin exchanging emails after Cécile has a serious accident and ends up in the hospital, this ...
The First Person to Say “I Love You” Looses