Ce qui nous lie, by Anne Laval
“Flowers, fruit, leaves, puddles, seeds, and trees. Life is a circle”, says Granny
Over a year, a little girl growing as fast as a flower spends time with her grandmother, ageing slowly like a tree. From spring to winter, the reader follows the everyday moments shared between a little girl and her grandma, the little one’s questions, and the elderly’s answers. One’s height can be measured according to trees and flowers – everything grows. The mum is close by, appearing from time to time. Three girls then stand together, among the living world and whilst time passes by. The grandma is a bit of an artist; at the heart of the book, she weaves a rug; attachment and love are woven every day, too.
Hardcover picture book, 72 pages, 17.5 x 22.5 cm
Rights sold: Korean