Rouge-queue, quatre histoires d'oiseaux, by Anne Crausaz
Explore in four chapters and four seasons, the vibrating lifetime of four different species of birds: redstarts, nightingales, robins and rock ptarmigans Follow them through the ...
Redstart, Four Bird Stories

La leçon du brin d'herbe, by Olivier Bleys
Walk alongside a writer with a very beautiful writing who takes us on his long journeys on foot and his peri-urban hikes in contact with nature
Close to a resplendent, suffering and resilient ...
What a Blade of Grass can Teach us

Tu seras les yeux de la mer, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Zaü
Colour photos, ink drawings and short texts A visually stunning book that examines the state of our rivers and oceans A book to make you stop and think about the big ...
You Will Be The Eyes Of The Sea

Et Léonard de Vinci réinvente la peinture, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Why is a book, an exhibition or the discovery of a new drawing by Leonardo da Vinci still an event, five centuries after his death Because Leonard was an extraordinary ...
And Leonardo da Vinci Reinvents Painting

Le comportement des oiseaux d'Europe, by Armando Gariboldi and Andrea Ambrogio
A beautifully illustrated reference work Unique in giving a European panorama, this book took three years to research A study of the behaviours of ...
The Behaviour of European Birds

La guerre en mille morceaux, ou le petit musée du soldat Machin, by Alain Serres and Zaü
This 100-page picture book tells us about the war of this hairy man who,one day in August 1914, had to leave his field, his family and his horses The story ...
The War in a Thousand Pieces

Bestioles et plantes du jardin