L'étrange collection de Mamita, by Thomas Medard and Lisbeth Renardy
Behind each collection, there’s a collector And behind each collector, there’s a story to tell!
To collect stuff is the action of gathering a whole lot of objects ...
The Strange Collection of Mamita

Ceci est un poème qui guérit les poissons, by Jean-Pierre Siméon, ill Olivier Tallec
To heal Leon, his ill gold fish, Arthur must read him a poem But is there anybody on this earth that can explain to Arthur what a poem is The baker, the ...
This Is a Poem that Heals Fishes

Si tous les livres du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
If all the drops of water joined hands then the palm trees, children and hummingbirds would never be thirsty again if all the houses joined doormats, if all ...
If All the World’s Books…

Les idées sont de drôles de bestioles, by Isabelle Simler
What’s in an idea Where do ideas come from, what do they do, and where do they go Isabelle Simler uses her poetic vision and airy, delicate strokes to bring the creative process to ...
Ideas Are The Weirdest Creatures

L'enfant, le libraire et le roi, by Thierry Maricourt and François Place
In the hope that the long freeze of the pandemic is over, this short and beautifully crafted text arrives on the children’s shelves as a literary homage to the ...
The Child, the Bookseller and the King

Si les poètes étaient moins bêtes, by Boris Vian and illustrated by Serge Bloch
Boris Vian liked to provoke! To mark the centenary of his birth, here he lays down the gauntlet to poets, laughing at himself at the same time A ...
If Poets Weren’t Such Fools

Les fabuleux farfelus vont au travail, by Sandra Poirot Cherif
By aligning three sections at random, readers can create 19,683 characters and as many phrases, also at random Readers will have endless fun imagining what the wacky ...
The Wacky Weirdos Are Off To Work