Les fabuleux farfelus vont au travail, by Sandra Poirot Cherif
By aligning three sections at random, readers can create 19,683 characters and as many phrases, also at random Readers will have endless fun imagining what the wacky ...
The Wacky Weirdos Are Off To Work

La toute petite femme et le grand géant, by Pef
A huge giant and his tiny devoted wife who lives in her husband’s ear Here we have two highly stereotyped characters! But to save the planet, two is better than one And to live a ...
The Tiny Wife And the Huge Giant

C'est ainsi que nous habitons le monde, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Nathalie Novi
A budding botanist shares his discovery with us: an animal, a human and a plant – this is the beating heart of the world! The young ...
This Is How We Live In The World