Si les poètes étaient moins bêtes, by Boris Vian and illustrated by Serge Bloch
Boris Vian liked to provoke! To mark the centenary of his birth, here he lays down the gauntlet to poets, laughing at himself at the same time A ...
If Poets Weren’t Such Fools

Nip et Nimp en voiture, by Lionel Serre
Mr Tidy and Mr Messy live in Normaltown, a very ordinary city Everything looks the same in Normaltown, even the days that go by Except at Mr Tidy and Mr Messy’s home, where there are never two ...
Mr. Tidy And Mr Messy In A Car

Ninon, petite fille modèle, by Gaëtan Dorémus
Ninon washes like a grown-up She smells as good as a flower, has great table manners, is polite and careful What a delicious child, this Ninon! As the pages of this hilarious picture book ...
Ninon, The Perfect Little Girl

La vérité sur les habitants des autres planètes, by Julien Baer and Magali Le Huche
A funny and gentle journey of discovery to meet the inhabitants of other planets…In this wacky, fake documentary, the author shows different types of ...
The Truth About Other Planets’ Residents

Ouin-Ouin, by Christophe Nicolas and Anouk Ricard
Creatures that are stubborn but also tenderhearted and terribly endearing, in a word: kids! The characters of Coco’s gang come to life with Anouk Ricards quirky and humorous drawingAfter Coco ...
Whiny Whiner / Coco’s Gang Series

Mimi Commande, by Christophe Nicolas and Anouk Ricard
Creatures that are stubborn but also tenderhearted and terribly endearing, in a word: kids! The characters of Coco’s gang come to life with Anouk Ricards quirky and humorous drawing After Coco ...
Mimi Bossy / Coco’s Gang Series

Kidnapping au village des crottes de nez ! , by Mrzyk & Moriceau
Do you remember the Bogey village Dive back into this wacky universe’s wild new adventure by Mrzyk & Moriceau!
In the previous «Panic At Bogey Village», the Boulette ...
Kidnapping In Bogey Village!

Princesse Caca, by Christophe Nicolas and illustrated by Anouk Ricard
Princess is really pretty in her princess’ dress and hat «You are so beautiful Princess; can I have a little kiss» But Princess doesn’t look like she wants one What she ...
Muddy Princess / Coco’s Gang Series