Raymond rêve en couleurs, by Anne Crausaz
Raymond the daydreaming snail, a slow, humble hero, slides across the pages of this colouring book The crayons and felt tips bring a little colour to his life Is a shell always beige or brown Not ...
Raymond’s Technicolour Dreams

Tous les géants ont un jour été des enfants, by Annabelle Gugnon
Confucius, Marco Polo, Sigmund Freud, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney, Marie Curie It is hard to believe that the fate of those giants of ...
All the Giants Were Once a Child

Ménage à Kipuland, by Mathis & Aurore Petit
Today, Dolores is a garbage collector Her mission is to empty the bins that no one took care of over for the past year, with the help of Oscar, her mutant snail Unfortunately, further to a ...
Spring-Cleaning At Stinkyland – The Adventures Of Dolores Wilson

Till l'Espiègle, by Philippe Lechermeier & Gaëtan Doremus
Till Owlyglass has been wandering from city to city since being made homeless A real anti-hero, half-traveller, half-vagrant, Till Owlyglass has a knack for getting himself into ...
Three Adventures of Till Owlyglass