Ménage à Kipuland, by Mathis & Aurore Petit
Today, Dolores is a garbage collector Her mission is to empty the bins that no one took care of over for the past year, with the help of Oscar, her mutant snail Unfortunately, further to a ...
Spring-Cleaning At Stinkyland – The Adventures Of Dolores Wilson

Till l'Espiègle, by Philippe Lechermeier & Gaëtan Doremus
Till Owlyglass has been wandering from city to city since being made homeless A real anti-hero, half-traveller, half-vagrant, Till Owlyglass has a knack for getting himself into ...
Three Adventures of Till Owlyglass

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson,Hypnose au château, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and hilarious ...
Dolores Wilson – The Castle of Hypnosis

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson, Panique au Mini-Market, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers
Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and ...
Dolores Wilson – Panic at the Mini-Market

L'Invention du dictionnaire, by Frédéric Marais and Jean Lecointre
To celebrate the 419th anniversary of the creation of the dictionary, Marais and Lecointre tell us about its origins…
At the dawn of the world, the Earth was delivered to ...
The Invention of the Dictionary

Les aventures improbables de Peter et Herman, by Delphine Jacquot
Answer Peter the mole and Herman the stork’s invitation to travel, including sea landings, love and absurd adventures with 25 stopovers!
Peter, an artist mole, and Herman, a ...
The Improbable Adventures of Peter and Herman