Le gravillon de pavillon qui voulait voir la mer, by Claire Schvartz
Dany is a tiny piece of pavilion gravel everybody walks all over all day long He does aspire to a better, bigger life One day, Dany decides to leave for the adventure of a ...
Danny, the Tiny Chipping Who Wanted to See the Sea

Constance au théâtre des Coléoptères, by Adèle Jolivard
Just like Constance, we are all little butterflies who need to find their place in the world Follow Constance to the Beetles Theatre and discover how a collective project can make the ...
Constance Under the Spotlights

Mission Borco chez les Beastie, by Claire Schvartz
Did you miss the Cowpat family They are back, but they really prefer when you humans are not there – for them to relax at home, in your absence, whilst they have been invited by their ...
Mission Drib at the Beasties

Tortue, grand roseau et petit clou, by Anne Terral and Géraldine Alibeu
On the island, Turtle, who is very, very old, has the feeling her life is coming to an end She brings together all her friends, Beaver, Otter, Toad and Po, Toad’s son, ...
Turtle, Big Reed and Little Nail

L'étrange collection de Mamita, by Thomas Medard and Lisbeth Renardy
Behind each collection, there’s a collector And behind each collector, there’s a story to tell!
To collect stuff is the action of gathering a whole lot of objects ...
The Strange Collection of Mamita