La fourmi, l'oiseau et le vaste monde, by Niels Thorez and illustrated by Valérie Michel
This is the hilarious, timeless tale of a pompous, loudmouth ant and its encounter with a wise, worldly bird The book’s theatrical tone, biting ...
The Ant, the Bird and the Wide, Wide World
Qui cache qui Bestiaire farceur, by Didier Lévy and Elis Wilk
Here is an offbeat bestiary, full of humour and fantasy, which shows us not the animal described but another, often related to it Thus the cheetah in the text sulks to pose in front ...
Who Is Hiding Who? A Mischievious Bestiary
ChatChat, le chat du chien, by Mélanie Rutten
Kitty Cat usually wakes up at sunrise But this morning he can’t put his second sock on He puts it at the tip of a stick and starts drawing circles before Doggy Dog says “Let’s go for a ...
Doggy Dog and his Kitty Cat
Momoko, une enfance japonaise, by Kotimi
Kotimi is Japanese She spent her childhood in Tokyo in the 1970s Here she gives us eight stories drawn from her childhood in a modest family, with her little sister who was handicapped, with ...
Momoko, A Japanese Childhood
Histoires Natures de La Petite Salamandre, by Pascale Hédelin and various illustrators
Fifteen tales introducing the denizens of the garden, the mountains, the forest and the countryside, in all seasons !
A beaver wrongly accused, a snail ...
La Petite Salamandre Nature Stories