Le vieux qui aplatissant les enfants, by Thomas Grand
Told from the quirky point of view of a scary, grumpy yet tender and endearing old man, the story follows a curious and intrepid little girl, who discovers a house in the middle of the ...
The Old Man Who Flattened Children

Zooscope des animaux disparus mais pas tous !, by Marie Donzelli and illustrated by Marie Gastaut
The second volume of Animascope offers an extraordinary exploration of the animal world, this time with a focus on species extinct, ...
Animascope of Extinct Creatures… and More!

J'ai le droit d'aimer les livres (et le chocolat!), by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
The series continues after the right to be a child, the right to culture and the right to save the planet
Here is a lively and joyful ...
I Have the Right to Love Books (and Chocolate!)

L'étrange collection de Mamita, by Thomas Medard and Lisbeth Renardy
Behind each collection, there’s a collector And behind each collector, there’s a story to tell!
To collect stuff is the action of gathering a whole lot of objects ...
The Strange Collection of Mamita

Quelques gouttes de pluie sur la terre, by Abbas Kiarostami, illustrated by Hoda Hadadi
55 simple and luminous haïkus by the great Iranian artist Abbas Kiarostami, with drawings by one of Iran’s most talented illustrators
breaks a ...
A Few Drops of Rain on the Earth

Les coquelicots savent-ils qu'ils sont fragiles by Alain Serres, illustrated by Judith Gueyfier
Short poems in the form of questions and answers, which children can continue, following the same fun principle The simple words of Alain Serres make ...
Do Poppies Know that They are Fragile?

Le roi qui voulait décrocher la lune, by France Quatromme and Françoise Rogier
An exuberant, highly visual joke that says something about our societies where so many people are trying to climb to the top!
Even in the middle of the ...
The King who Wanted to Catch the Moon

L'arbre qui rêvait d'être un avion, by Antoine Vigne, illustrated by Léa Louis
A tree in the middle of the forest is so fascinated by the sparkling, glittering plane it sees crossing the skies every day that the desire to do likewise is almost ...
The Tree that Wanted to Become an Airplane

Les amis de Momoko, by Kotimi - the third volume of the series A Japanese Childhood
And here are four new stories from Kotimi’s 1960s Tokyo childhood In this book, we learn about Hanami – celebrating the cherry blossom Showers of pink petals ...
Momoko’s Friends – A Japanese Childhood