Ce Tigre a avalé mon carnet de dessin, by Alain Serres, illustrated by Laurent Corvaisier
Mr Laurent draws all the time, but he’s lost his precious sketchbook Should
he cut open the tiger’s belly to retrieve it In this wacky adventure, the ...
This Tiger Swallowed My Sketchbook

La Souris qui sauva toute une montagne, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Aurélia Fronty
A mouse wants to replace the precious milk she has just stolen from a child But nature has been ransacked, even on the great mountain of Sardinia ...
The Mouse Who Saved An Entire Mountain

De maman en maman et De papa en papa, by Emilie Vast
A long story, from generation to generation, from mummy to mummy and from daddy to daddy, approaches us Russian dolls increasingly small unfold, each decorated with animals and flowers, each ...
From Mummy to Mummy & From Daddy to Daddy

Till l'Espiègle, by Philippe Lechermeier & Gaëtan Doremus
Till Owlyglass has been wandering from city to city since being made homeless A real anti-hero, half-traveller, half-vagrant, Till Owlyglass has a knack for getting himself into ...
Three Adventures of Till Owlyglass

C'est le printemps, Jeanne-Marie !, by Françoise
The first title in a series of four American classics to be reissued by MeMo
Jeanne-Marie, Patapon her sheep and Madelon her female duck, travel through the brightly coloured, gently rolling ...
Springtime for Jeanne-Marie