J’ai le droit de sauver la planète, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
I have the right to be a child who’s curious about the world, who loves plants and trees, cares about animals, is concerned about equality of access to water and is appalled at the presence of plastic in the oceans! I’m allowed to learn all about the fascinating world of bees and to recite a poem in class about protecting them. To want earth-dwellers to coexist with the leatherback turtle and the orang utan for a long time. I even have the right to demonstrate in the street with my parents to say so. I have the right to dream of a beautiful future for this wonderful little blue planet where I was born.
Hardcover picture book, 48 pages, 26 x 26 cm, 5 years+
Rights sold: Catalan, Complex and Simplified Chinese, English, Farsi, German, Korean, Spanish (world), Turkish, Vietnamese

- TAGS :
- child's rights
- ecology
- planet