Extravagant, by Betty Bone
This is a crazy story! The glove has lost his hand and the hand her glove The eye and the nose go looking for them but the head doesn’t really want to stand up straight…
Brillant and mischievous, Betty Bone ...
The Glove Who Lost His Hand
De maman en maman et De papa en papa, by Emilie Vast
A long story, from generation to generation, from mummy to mummy and from daddy to daddy, approaches us Russian dolls increasingly small unfold, each decorated with animals and flowers, each ...
From Mummy to Mummy & From Daddy to Daddy
Les Herbiers, by By Laurent Audouin, Yannick Fourié, Delphine Boudou, Audrey Caron and Lionel Hignard
Find out about the plants your favourite characters gathered on their adventures
Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack, Tom ...
Fairytale Plant Collections