Rouge-queue, quatre histoires d'oiseaux, by Anne Crausaz
Explore in four chapters and four seasons, the vibrating lifetime of four different species of birds: redstarts, nightingales, robins and rock ptarmigans Follow them through the ...
Redstart, Four Bird Stories

Les fleurs sucrées des trèfles, by Cédric Philippe
Agathe is a shy little girl who is very fond of her old uncle, Yvon One day she hears by accident that he is suffering from a heart illness and that he is slowly dying ...
The Sweet Flowers of Clovers

Je veux un super-pouvoir !, by Émilie Vast
After I am Scared of the Wolf, Émilie Vast’s two bunnies now discover the amazing gifts of both familiar and exotic animals Tortoise can hold his breath for six hours, Chameleon changes ...
All I Want is a Super Power!

La Chose du MéHéHéHé, by Sigrid Baffert and ill Jeanne Macaigne
On the surface of the sea’s blue belly, things are serious A Thing, with red and white stripes, hard as a giant shell and yet soft like seaweed, is floating ...
The Thing From MéHéHéHé

13824 jeux de couleurs, de formes et de mots, by Patrick Raynaud
13,824 games with colours, shapes and words are contained in this hodgepodge On the left-hand pages, we find suggestions for poems in the form of calligrams On the ...
13,824 Games With Colours, Shapes and Words

L’arrêt du cœur ou comment Simon découvrit l’amour, dans une cuisine, by Agnès Debacker, illustrated by Anaïs Brunet
Since Simone left, Simon comes to his building caretaker Françoise’s office every day for ...
When Your Heart Misses a Beat, or How Simon Discovered Love in a Kitchen