Quand deux lapins s'aiment, by Claire Garralon
One day, Red Rabbit meets Yellow Rabbit They fall in love and shortly after have a cute baby What colour do you think the baby will be And when he has babies of his own, what colour will they ...
When Two Rabbits Are In Love

L'étrange collection de Mamita, by Thomas Medard and Lisbeth Renardy
Behind each collection, there’s a collector And behind each collector, there’s a story to tell!
To collect stuff is the action of gathering a whole lot of objects ...
The Strange Collection of Mamita

Le roi qui voulait décrocher la lune, by France Quatromme and Françoise Rogier
An exuberant, highly visual joke that says something about our societies where so many people are trying to climb to the top!
Even in the middle of the ...
The King who Wanted to Catch the Moon

L'arbre qui rêvait d'être un avion, by Antoine Vigne, illustrated by Léa Louis
A tree in the middle of the forest is so fascinated by the sparkling, glittering plane it sees crossing the skies every day that the desire to do likewise is almost ...
The Tree that Wanted to Become an Airplane