La fourmi, l'oiseau et le vaste monde, by Niels Thorez and illustrated by Valérie Michel
This is the hilarious, timeless tale of a pompous, loudmouth ant and its encounter with a wise, worldly bird The book’s theatrical tone, biting ...
The Ant, the Bird and the Wide, Wide World

La leçon du brin d'herbe, by Olivier Bleys
Walk alongside a writer with a very beautiful writing who takes us on his long journeys on foot and his peri-urban hikes in contact with nature
Close to a resplendent, suffering and resilient ...
What a Blade of Grass can Teach us

Raymond rêve en couleurs, by Anne Crausaz
Raymond the daydreaming snail, a slow, humble hero, slides across the pages of this colouring book The crayons and felt tips bring a little colour to his life Is a shell always beige or brown Not ...
Raymond’s Technicolour Dreams

Des deux côtés du monde, by Susana Robledo, wood engravings by Renaud Perrin
A superb collection of woodcut illustrations, printed in two different colours, tells the moving tale of two children whose paths cross against the backdrop of ...
From the Opposite Sides of the World

Une cuisine qui sent bon les soupes du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
Soup is universal – around the world, it is a symbol both of celebration and of day-to-day life But it is always shared! Warming, heart-warming, soups bring ...
Soups from Around the World

Une cuisine tout en chocolat! by Alain Serres, ill by Nathalie Novi
Childhood, chocolate and imagination: three ingredients that complement each other with pleasure in this large picture book, designed with warm colours There are 40 recipes: ...
A Whole Cook Book on Chocolate