Merci au loup de Sibérie, by Albane Gellé and Nathalie Dieterlé
An enthusiastic gaze at the living world that can be easily shared by young and old alike Here is a gentle eruption of gratitude to all those wonders of nature that sometimes live ...
Thank You To The Siberian Wolf

Quand deux lapins s'aiment, by Claire Garralon
One day, Red Rabbit meets Yellow Rabbit They fall in love and shortly after have a cute baby What colour do you think the baby will be And when he has babies of his own, what colour will they ...
When Two Rabbits Are In Love

Zooscope des animaux disparus mais pas tous !, by Marie Donzelli and illustrated by Marie Gastaut
The second volume of Animascope offers an extraordinary exploration of the animal world, this time with a focus on species extinct, ...
Animascope of Extinct Creatures… and More!