Ce qui nous rassemble, by Noé Carlain, illustrated by Sandra Poirot Cherif
This book lists all that brings people together, all those little everyday things and gestures A moving sentiment in these times of divided societies, enabling us to ...
Things That Bring Us Together

Ce Tigre a avalé mon carnet de dessin, by Alain Serres, illustrated by Laurent Corvaisier
Mr Laurent draws all the time, but he’s lost his precious sketchbook Should
he cut open the tiger’s belly to retrieve it In this wacky adventure, the ...
This Tiger Swallowed My Sketchbook

Papa, pourquoi t'as voté Hitler , by Didier Daeninckx, illustrated by Pef
Germany, March 1933 Rudi’s father is about to vote for Adolf Hitler’s party, but his mother flatly refuses to
Didier Daeninckx uses the daily life of one family to ...
Daddy, Why Did You Vote For Hitler?