Le comportement des oiseaux d'Europe, by Armando Gariboldi and Andrea Ambrogio
A beautifully illustrated reference work Unique in giving a European panorama, this book took three years to research A study of the behaviours of ...
The Behaviour of European Birds

Nip et Nimp en voiture, by Lionel Serre
Mr Tidy and Mr Messy live in Normaltown, a very ordinary city Everything looks the same in Normaltown, even the days that go by Except at Mr Tidy and Mr Messy’s home, where there are never two ...
Mr. Tidy And Mr Messy In A Car

Ninon, petite fille modèle, by Gaëtan Dorémus
Ninon washes like a grown-up She smells as good as a flower, has great table manners, is polite and careful What a delicious child, this Ninon! As the pages of this hilarious picture book ...
Ninon, The Perfect Little Girl