Voyage au centre de la terre, by Jules Verne, illustrated by Isabelle Simler
Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of Jules Verne’s greatest masterpieces Isabelle Simler’s vibrant and meticulous illustrations were added to this ...
Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Tous les géants ont un jour été des enfants, by Annabelle Gugnon
Confucius, Marco Polo, Sigmund Freud, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney, Marie Curie It is hard to believe that the fate of those giants of ...
All the Giants Were Once a Child

Lunes de miel, Photography and text by Jacques Loset
Bears as they've never seen before!
Bears are notoriously difficult to spot in the wild, let alone capture on film Nevertheless, twenty years ago, one nature photographer set himself the ...
Honeymoons, on the Trail of the Wild Bear

La Cité 2: La Bataille des confins, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Polly is the narrator of this second volume She lives on a tiny British island and The City is her dream: freedom! Under the pseudonym Liza, she meets with Arthur, JC and Harry ...
The City, Book 2: The Battle of The Outer Limits