L'étonnante histoire de l'homme le plus lent du monde, by Arthur Dreyfus and Sim Mau
Here is a slow guy, incredibly slowespecially when it comes to saying ‘I love you’!
This child’s father is extremely slow Not easy for him! This man ...
The Amazing Story Of The World’s Slowest Man

Quand deux lapins s'aiment, by Claire Garralon
One day, Red Rabbit meets Yellow Rabbit They fall in love and shortly after have a cute baby What colour do you think the baby will be And when he has babies of his own, what colour will they ...
When Two Rabbits Are In Love

Le premier qui dit je t'aime a perdu, by Elisabeth Brami and Marie Sellier
Told in the voices of Cécile and Aurélien, a pair of lonely teenagers who begin exchanging emails after Cécile has a serious accident and ends up in the hospital, this ...
The First Person to Say “I Love You” Looses

La petite soeur est un diplodocus, by Aurore Petit
The encounter between a big brother and his young sister is often, if not always, a whole new story A story about a tyrannosaurus and a story about a diplodocus, but above all, a love ...
Little Sister Is a Diplodocus

Une sirène tombée du ciel, by Raphaële Frier and illustrated by Sandra Poirot-Chérif
Pierre, a fisherman and dreamer, sees a siren fall from the sky Once, then twice – and each time an explosion sounds as the figure falls The fisherman ...
The Siren Who Fell from the Sky

L’arrêt du cœur ou comment Simon découvrit l’amour, dans une cuisine, by Agnès Debacker, illustrated by Anaïs Brunet
Since Simone left, Simon comes to his building caretaker Françoise’s office every day for ...
When Your Heart Misses a Beat, or How Simon Discovered Love in a Kitchen