L'image à venir, mémoires d'un collectionneur, by Pierre Apraxine with Jean Poderos
Pierre Apraxine was a visionary, a trailblazer who was among the first col- lectors to dedicate his life to unearthing long-forgotten masterpieces of ...
The Coming Image, A Collector’s Memoir

Blue et les grands jours maudits, by Nancy Guilbert
At once an adventure tale, dystopian fiction and alternate history, Blue and the Days of Damnation follows Blue and her brother-in-arms Zian in their struggles to prevent oppressive ...
Blue And The Days Of Damnation

L'esclave qui parlait aux oiseaux, by Yves Pinguilly and Zaü
Alexandre wants to know more about his friend Mariama’s African origins Mariama tells him about the rainy season, the savannah, and the long and terrible history
She ...
The Slave Who Talked to the Birds

La guerre en mille morceaux, ou le petit musée du soldat Machin, by Alain Serres and Zaü
This 100-page picture book tells us about the war of this hairy man who,one day in August 1914, had to leave his field, his family and his horses The story ...
The War in a Thousand Pieces

Papa, pourquoi t'as voté Hitler , by Didier Daeninckx, illustrated by Pef
Germany, March 1933 Rudi’s father is about to vote for Adolf Hitler’s party, but his mother flatly refuses to
Didier Daeninckx uses the daily life of one family to ...
Daddy, Why Did You Vote For Hitler?

De maman en maman et De papa en papa, by Emilie Vast
A long story, from generation to generation, from mummy to mummy and from daddy to daddy, approaches us Russian dolls increasingly small unfold, each decorated with animals and flowers, each ...
From Mummy to Mummy & From Daddy to Daddy

Tous les géants ont un jour été des enfants, by Annabelle Gugnon
Confucius, Marco Polo, Sigmund Freud, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney, Marie Curie It is hard to believe that the fate of those giants of ...
All the Giants Were Once a Child

Des deux côtés du monde, by Susana Robledo, wood engravings by Renaud Perrin
A superb collection of woodcut illustrations, printed in two different colours, tells the moving tale of two children whose paths cross against the backdrop of ...
From the Opposite Sides of the World

Korczak pour que vivent les enfants, by Philippe Meirieu and Pef
Very few books are designed to help children think about their education This book explores the career of Janusz Korczak, a doctor and gifted educator who was a tireless champion ...
Korczak-Long Live the Children

Wangari Maathai, la Femme qui plante des millions d'arbres, by Franck Prévot and Aurélia Fronty
Magnificent colours and lines bring children on the steps of this uncommon Kenyan woman who became Peace Nobel Price Wangari Maathai was much more ...
Wangari Maathai, The Woman who Plants Millions of Trees