Je serai trois milliards d’enfants, by Alain Serres, ill. by Judith Gueyfier and black and white photographs
An artistic event celebrating the Right of the Child: large black and white photographs, paintings with striking colours and a text full of poetry. A moving book that echoes with the voices of the children.
Between reality and poetry, about forty of the rights of the child are introduced here. Each right bears the name of a child from around the world. The author invents a destiny, seriously or lightly, for this small imaginary human being. It mixes feelings and everyday life with the hope that one day all children, wherever they live on the planet, will grow with the part of childhood they deserve. At the end of the book the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is reproduced.
34,5 x 24,5 cm, 96 pages
Rights sold: Korean