La guerre en mille morceaux, ou le petit musée du soldat Machin, by Alain Serres and Zaü
This 100-page picture book tells us about the war of this hairy man who,one day in August 1914, had to leave his field, his family and his horses The story ...
The War in a Thousand Pieces

L’arrêt du cœur ou comment Simon découvrit l’amour, dans une cuisine, by Agnès Debacker, illustrated by Anaïs Brunet
Since Simone left, Simon comes to his building caretaker Françoise’s office every day for ...
When Your Heart Misses a Beat, or How Simon Discovered Love in a Kitchen

C'est ainsi que nous habitons le monde, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Nathalie Novi
A budding botanist shares his discovery with us: an animal, a human and a plant – this is the beating heart of the world! The young ...
This Is How We Live In The World

Papa, pourquoi t'as voté Hitler , by Didier Daeninckx, illustrated by Pef
Germany, March 1933 Rudi’s father is about to vote for Adolf Hitler’s party, but his mother flatly refuses to
Didier Daeninckx uses the daily life of one family to ...
Daddy, Why Did You Vote For Hitler?