12345compter en s'amusant, by Robert Doisneau
Major photographer of the 20th century, Robert Doisneau created four children’s books This one was published in 1955 Robert Doisneau staged his daughters, Annette and Francine, their friends and their ...
1 2 3 4 5, counting and having fun

L'image à venir, mémoires d'un collectionneur, by Pierre Apraxine with Jean Poderos
Pierre Apraxine was a visionary, a trailblazer who was among the first col- lectors to dedicate his life to unearthing long-forgotten masterpieces of ...
The Coming Image, A Collector’s Memoir

Il était une fois la nuit, by Carole Reboul
An illustrated book on the topical issue of the preservation of the starry sky and the battle against light pollution, illustrated by magnificent photos accompanied by informative, ...
Once Upon a Time There Was Night