Abeille et Épeire, by Émilie Vast
The bee goes back and forth, from hive to flowers, flowers to hive She observes the web that the spider weaves on her trips and, distracted, ends up trapped in it! Thus begins a long dialogue between the two ...
The Bee and the Garden Spider

Les Herbiers, by By Laurent Audouin, Yannick Fourié, Delphine Boudou, Audrey Caron and Lionel Hignard
Find out about the plants your favourite characters gathered on their adventures
Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack, Tom ...
Fairytale Plant Collections

Lunes de miel, Photography and text by Jacques Loset
Bears as they've never seen before!
Bears are notoriously difficult to spot in the wild, let alone capture on film Nevertheless, twenty years ago, one nature photographer set himself the ...
Honeymoons, on the Trail of the Wild Bear