T'es fleur ou t'es chou By Gwendoline Raisson and Clotilde Perrin
According to folklore, boys are born inside cabbages and girls in flowers Boys are said to have springs under their feet and to enjoy war games Girls supposedly like to ...
Are You a Flower or a Cabbage?

Une sirène tombée du ciel, by Raphaële Frier and illustrated by Sandra Poirot-Chérif
Pierre, a fisherman and dreamer, sees a siren fall from the sky Once, then twice – and each time an explosion sounds as the figure falls The fisherman ...
The Siren Who Fell from the Sky

Mimi Commande, by Christophe Nicolas and Anouk Ricard
Creatures that are stubborn but also tenderhearted and terribly endearing, in a word: kids! The characters of Coco’s gang come to life with Anouk Ricards quirky and humorous drawing After Coco ...
Mimi Bossy / Coco’s Gang Series

Princesse Caca, by Christophe Nicolas and illustrated by Anouk Ricard
Princess is really pretty in her princess’ dress and hat «You are so beautiful Princess; can I have a little kiss» But Princess doesn’t look like she wants one What she ...
Muddy Princess / Coco’s Gang Series

Ménage à Kipuland, by Mathis & Aurore Petit
Today, Dolores is a garbage collector Her mission is to empty the bins that no one took care of over for the past year, with the help of Oscar, her mutant snail Unfortunately, further to a ...
Spring-Cleaning At Stinkyland – The Adventures Of Dolores Wilson

Louise de New-York, l'Actrichanteuse, by Jean Poderos, illustrations by Gaia Guarino
You’ve been missing her Here she comes again, Louise of New York, the little girl with her head full of stories! This time, Louise puts on a show ...
Louise of New-York, the Singactress

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson,Hypnose au château, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and hilarious ...
Dolores Wilson – The Castle of Hypnosis

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson, Panique au Mini-Market, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers
Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and ...
Dolores Wilson – Panic at the Mini-Market

Jeux et activités d'intérieur, by Stéphanie Jaunet and Valérie Carreno
This title offers activities for boys and girls to make paper creations, learn how to draw, share scientific experiments, investigate, learn magic tricks, and have fun ...
Activity book – Indoor Games and Activities