Louise de New-York, un été de chiens, by Jean Poderos and illustrated by Gaia Guarino
Louise is spending her holidays in the Hamptons, in Auntie Emma’s awful little house When she meets Sido, the little dog her Auntie just adopted, Louise ...
Louise of New-York, a Summer of Dogs

Le loup et la petite fille, by Yves Jaffrennou and illustrated by Evelyne Mary
When you’re a little girl, befriending a wolf is no ordinary thing But it’s such fun to play lot's of wolf games! One day, the little girl wants to ...
The Wolf and the Little Girl

C'est le printemps, Jeanne-Marie !, by Françoise
The first title in a series of four American classics to be reissued by MeMo
Jeanne-Marie, Patapon her sheep and Madelon her female duck, travel through the brightly coloured, gently rolling ...
Springtime for Jeanne-Marie