Zébulon et le Poussin, by Alice Brière-Haquet, illustrated by Olivier Philipponneau & Raphaële Enjary
A hiding chick, a great recipe and a big spoonful of fun!
Zebedee is showing up at MeMo, starring a brand new adventure with a chick. He wants the chick to become his friend but he can’t find him, and keeps on asking everyone he meets if they have seen the chick. The mouse, the hen, the bee, the cow all send him away to look for the chick: (indeed,) the mouse needs (/is looking for) its wheat, the hen, bee and cow need (/are looking for) their eggs, honey and milk…
Until a delicious solution arises: a cake including all these ingredients will help Zebedee finally find the chick, who has been playing hide-and-seek all along the pages!
Hardcover Picture Book, 40 pages, 21.5 x 17 cm

- TAGS :
- friendship
- game
- humour