Ménage à Kipuland, by Mathis & Aurore Petit
Today, Dolores is a garbage collector Her mission is to empty the bins that no one took care of over for the past year, with the help of Oscar, her mutant snail Unfortunately, further to a ...
Spring-Cleaning At Stinkyland – The Adventures Of Dolores Wilson
Till l'Espiègle, by Philippe Lechermeier & Gaëtan Doremus
Till Owlyglass has been wandering from city to city since being made homeless A real anti-hero, half-traveller, half-vagrant, Till Owlyglass has a knack for getting himself into ...
Three Adventures of Till Owlyglass
Lunes de miel, Photography and text by Jacques Loset
Bears as they've never seen before!
Bears are notoriously difficult to spot in the wild, let alone capture on film Nevertheless, twenty years ago, one nature photographer set himself the ...
Honeymoons, on the Trail of the Wild Bear
Mon kit passion, les Chevaux, illustrations and photographs by Audrey Gessat
A kit for passionate who enjoy learning as much as playing An ingenious manufacturing that offers the advantages of a box while looking like a book, easy to store in ...
My Passion kit – Passion for horses
Mon kit passion, la Danse, illustrations and photographs by Audrey Gessat
A kit for passionate who enjoy learning as much as playing An ingenious manufacturing that offers the advantages of a box while looking like a book, easy to store in ...
My Passion kit – Passion for Dance
Des deux côtés du monde, by Susana Robledo, wood engravings by Renaud Perrin
A superb collection of woodcut illustrations, printed in two different colours, tells the moving tale of two children whose paths cross against the backdrop of ...
From the Opposite Sides of the World
Je ne pense qu'à ça, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux and Monike Czarnecki
At school, some call 12-year-old Ismaïl "queer", but he doesn't understand and the teasing really disturbs him He spends his days constantly wondering and worrying about ...
I Can Only Think About That
La Cité 2: La Bataille des confins, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Polly is the narrator of this second volume She lives on a tiny British island and The City is her dream: freedom! Under the pseudonym Liza, she meets with Arthur, JC and Harry ...
The City, Book 2: The Battle of The Outer Limits
La Cité, Volume 1: La Lumière Blanche, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Warning n°1: if you read this book, your suffering will be harsh, waiting for the next four books to come
Warning n°2: In THE CITY, never talk about your life outside the ...
The City, Book 1: The White Light
Korczak pour que vivent les enfants, by Philippe Meirieu and Pef
Very few books are designed to help children think about their education This book explores the career of Janusz Korczak, a doctor and gifted educator who was a tireless champion ...
Korczak-Long Live the Children
L'Herbier: petite flore des bois d'Europe, by Emilie Vast
Here is Emilie Vast’s new herbarium on the small flora from woods in Europe Both a botanical treatise and a beautiful book of images, it shows the plant with the details of its leave, ...
L’herbier – Small Wood Flora in Europe
Mandela, l'Africain multicolore, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Zaü
20 years ago, Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison He was to become the first black president of South Africa From the fields of his childhood to the supreme ...
Mandela, the Multicoloured African