Wangari Maathai, la Femme qui plante des millions d’arbres, by Franck Prévot and Aurélia Fronty
Magnificent colours and lines bring children on the steps of this uncommon Kenyan woman who became Peace Nobel Price. Wangari Maathai was much more than a woman planting trees. She remained a woman committed in her century. An ardent fighter for women’s rights in Africa, she continued all her life long to claim for democracy, non-violence, free speech, emancipation, sometimes threatening her own life or freedom. A non-fiction section at the end of the book provides key information on Maathai and her actions.
26x 26 cm, 48 pages
Rights sold: Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Korean, English (North America), Hindi, Polish, Romanian, Spanish (World)

- TAGS :
- Africa
- environment
- history
- tree