D'un petit oiseau gris souris, by Mathias Friman
He was born a mouse, but dreams himself as a bird He tries to come up with a beak, to flap its paws in order to fly, to sing like that magpie, to walk on two legs like this wading bird, but nothing ...
From a Tiny, Grey as a Mouse Birdy

Patchou, l'alpaga du Pérou, by Li Lamarre and illustrated by Odile Santi
Admired for his thick fleece, Patchou the Alpaca won’t let anyone shear it But as time passes, his wool grows long and becomes filthy and uncomely When the others ...
Patchou, The Alpaca From Peru

La vérité sur les habitants des autres planètes, by Julien Baer and Magali Le Huche
A funny and gentle journey of discovery to meet the inhabitants of other planets…In this wacky, fake documentary, the author shows different types of ...
The Truth About Other Planets’ Residents