Les amis de Momoko, by Kotimi - the third volume of the series A Japanese Childhood
And here are four new stories from Kotimi’s 1960s Tokyo childhood In this book, we learn about Hanami – celebrating the cherry blossom Showers of pink petals ...
Momoko’s Friends – A Japanese Childhood

Les vacances de Momoko, by Kotimi - the second volume of the series A Japanese Childhood
Momoko is back ! After the first volume which introduced us to the little girl and her little sister Minako, here are Momoko's adventures and emotions during ...
Momoko’s Holidays – A Japanese Childhood

Poèmes cueillis dans la forêt de vos yeux, by Françoise Lison-Leroy, illustrated by Nathalie Novi
40 first names and as many short forms on what the poet has read in the eyes of children A bit of the hidden life of each one, a bit of their ...
Poems Gathered in the Forest of your Eyes

Momoko, une enfance japonaise, by Kotimi
Kotimi is Japanese She spent her childhood in Tokyo in the 1970s Here she gives us eight stories drawn from her childhood in a modest family, with her little sister who was handicapped, with ...
Momoko, A Japanese Childhood