Les Contes de l'olivier : contes juifs et arabes réunis, Catherine Gendrin and Judith Gueyfier
Jewish and Arab tales of brotherhood and peace This book of stories brings together two cultures that are usually hostile to one another, with stories ...
The Olive Tree Tales, Jewish and Arab tales in one volume

Elle tourne comme ça, by Martine Laffon, illustrated by Icinori
For how long has the Earth been turning around the Sun That’s easy! Since four giants have been pushing it across the sky…
On a grey moon night, four giants started a big ...
This is How the Earth Turns

L'histoire de la petite fille qui marchait toute seule dans la neige, by Patrick Fischmann and illustrated by Aurélia Fronty
“This is an ancient tale preserved by an old owl in the hollow of a tree even older than him A tale ...
The Story Of The Little Girl Who Walked Alone In The Snow

Les Herbiers, by By Laurent Audouin, Yannick Fourié, Delphine Boudou, Audrey Caron and Lionel Hignard
Find out about the plants your favourite characters gathered on their adventures
Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack, Tom ...
Fairytale Plant Collections

L'Invention du dictionnaire, by Frédéric Marais and Jean Lecointre
To celebrate the 419th anniversary of the creation of the dictionary, Marais and Lecointre tell us about its origins…
At the dawn of the world, the Earth was delivered to ...
The Invention of the Dictionary

Des deux côtés du monde, by Susana Robledo, wood engravings by Renaud Perrin
A superb collection of woodcut illustrations, printed in two different colours, tells the moving tale of two children whose paths cross against the backdrop of ...
From the Opposite Sides of the World

Le géant du pays des glaces, by Laurence Fugier and Julia Chausson
A reindeer herder and his family settle near Lake Vuolvojavri, unaware that a cruel and stupid ogre lives on the other shore When the ogre wants to marry the herder's daughter, ...
The Giant from the Land of Ice