Quand nous aurons mangé la planète, by Alain Serres, illustrated by Silvia Bonanni
Could you imagine, one day, our planet without any water, no air, no trees, no plants or animals Improbable scenario in the form of a poetical tale, which tells ...
When We’ll Have Eaten the Planet

Je serai les yeux de la terre, Photographs by Altitude, text by Alain Serres, illustrations by Zaü Foreword by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Using a mix of aerial photographies, drawings and texts, three artists instill in children and their parents ...
I Will Be the Eyes of the Earth

Comment apprendre à ses parents à aimer les livres pour enfants, by Alain Serres, ill Bruno Heitz
More whimsical "blurb" than straightforward debate, this little book will provoke an exchange of ideas about books and reading while making a ...
How to Teach Your Parents To Love Children’s Books

Une Cuisine grande comme un jardin, by Alain Serres, ill by Martin Jarrie
A unique way to ...
A Cook Book as Big as a Garden

Je serai trois milliards d'enfants, by Alain Serres, ill by Judith Gueyfier and black and white photographs
An artistic event celebrating the Right of the Child: large black and white photographs, paintings with striking colours and a text full ...
I Will Be Three Billion Children

J'ai le droit d'être un enfant, by Alain Serres, ill by Aurélia Fronty
In this brightly coloured picture book, each spread evokes in simple words one of the many rights stated in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child The ...
I Have the Right to Be a Child

Les oiseaux ont des ailes, les enfants ont des livres, by Alain Serres and Lucile Placin
It's simple and witty It sounds like a funny lesson to learn, when very small, and find links between things and people The well-linked words take us through ...
Birds Have Wings, Children Have Books

Le géant du pays des glaces, by Laurence Fugier and Julia Chausson
A reindeer herder and his family settle near Lake Vuolvojavri, unaware that a cruel and stupid ogre lives on the other shore When the ogre wants to marry the herder's daughter, ...
The Giant from the Land of Ice

La Grand-mère qui sauva tout un royaume, by Claire Laurens and Sandrine Thommen
A Lord gives orders that all the old people should be abandoned in the mountains The young Shoji refuses to accept this fate for his beloved grandmother Her life ...
The Grandmother Who Saved a Whole Kingdom