Un éléphant ne peut pas monter dans un arbre, by Kotimi
Everyone has their limits, even an elephant, who’s not capable of climbing a tree But he can uproot it! A bird can’t knock down a tree, but it can fly! From cat to ...
Elephants Can’t Climb Trees

Un Enfant, c'est comme ça! by Alain Serres and Silvia Bonanni
What are children like This highly imaginative collage book attempts to define what it means to be a child, both seriously and with humour A strong text that can be read aloud, even ...
That’s What Children Are Like

Et si Tout ça n'était qu'un rêve, by Thierry Lenain and Irène Bonacina
Radhija is a girl who wonders: “and if I was just someone’s dream, of someone who dreams And when he wakes up, I may not exist anymore" She thus asks her mother, her ...
And if all this Was just a Dream